Paintball Rules
You must be in full possession of your physical and intellectual abilities to take part in the activity. You are aware of the risk of bodily injury that you are taking by joining a paintball game.
The practice of paintball is an exercise that involves individual risks. Do not attempt any reckless maneuvers or risks that could harm yourself or others.
You must use equipment in perfect working order and provided by the company.
It is forbidden to shoot or throw a projectile in the direction of the spectators.
Access to the field is forbidden to persons not equipped with protection.
You form 2 different teams thanks to the different suit colors.
The referee proposes several game scenarios, once the choice is made, a safety briefing is mandatory.
Once hit, the player thus eliminated signals himself by raising his arm, the gun down and leaves the scenario in progress.
The access to the Paint Ball gives you the right to a game with 150 balls.
You must present your ticket with the details of the game time in order to get the security equipment (arrive 30 minutes before the time indicated on the ticket).
The minimum age is 11 years old.
We use biodegradable beads loaded with water washable paints.
Shooting within 10 meters of a player is prohibited.
No marbles on the ground should be picked up and reused.
The field is delimited by safety nets that prevent the balls from reaching the spectators. Different arrangements allow players to hide, to progress, and to reach the defined objective.
We provide you with mandatory safety protections: a mask, a bib, a neck guard, gloves and a disposable suit.
At no time should you remove any of these accessories during the game phase.
If for any reason you need to leave the field, you must raise your arm to announce your withdrawal from the game. It will be the same to return in space after verification of the equipment by an operator.